Solid Carbide Products

Because you rely on our products, there are no shortcuts.

Our commitment to quality is in everything we do, from the materials we use to our manufacturing process.

Thanks to that commitment, our products offer the highest value available in the marketplace. Consistent with our quality and value-driven philosophy, we offer:

Leading-Edge Features

The continued evolution of SmoothGrind® is truly an industry advancement, with a difference you can see and touch. SmoothGrind sets the benchmark worldwide for surface finish advantages and the improvements they bring to machining, and is the ultimate complimentary process to our in-house SmoothCoat® PVD hard-coating process and SmoothContricity® tolerance & accuracy technology. And now we introduce SmoothEdge® edge prep, a huge step forward in machining efficiency. Watch it all come together:

Go to the Tool Alliance Video Channel Here

Consistency in Value

Compare the cost to the quality of our products and the value is clear: Top quality combined with fair pricing equals a "Total Value" solution. In addition, our products, manufactured in our own factory using the world's finest CNC production equipment, are guaranteed.


Our shank tolerances exceed h6 requirements by approximately 35%, with 1/8" diameter being -.0002 max, then -.00025 up through 1/2" and -.0003 for the largest sizes.

You have our word on it.

Towers of Tungsten ToolWorks, Ultra-Tool, Mil-Tec, and RoundTool Laboratories cutting tools cooling down after completion of a SmoothCoat® TA coating batch.

Tungsten ToolWorks is a manufacturer of customized (special) solid carbide cutting tools, sold worldwide under the Tungsten ToolWorks brand name. Products include solid carbide end mills, drills, reamers, burrs, micro tools, sub-miniature tools, micro tools, engraving tools, boring tools, keyseat cutters, burrs, slitting saws, carbide cylinders, countersinks, routers, radius mills, CBN tools, compression tools, and more. Technologies include SmoothCoat PVD hard coatings, SmoothGrind polished cutting edges, SmoothEdge prep and hone, and SmoothContricity shrink fit ready shanks. Coatings include D2 CVD diamond, D1 PVD amorphous diamond, TA TiAlN, AT AlTiN, TN TiN, TC TiCN, and A1 TiB2. Industries using our products include aerospace, semiconductor, die & mold, micro (nano) machining, woodworking, medical, consumer electronics, automotive and more. Workpiece materials to be drilled, milled, reamed, routed, engraved and more include titanium (6Al-4V, 5553), stainless (303, 304, 316, 410, 420, 440C, 15-5, 17-4, 13-8, 316L), tool steels (A2, D2, H13), general steels (1018, 1020, 4140, 4340, P20), Inconel (625, 718), cast iron, non-ferrous materials including aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, wood & plastics, CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastic), graphite, composites, fiberglass, and more. Tungsten ToolWorks is a Tool Alliance company.