
We obsess over details that create the finest cutting tools available. Be assured that our products are powered by the very best technologies available in the industry.

Over fifty years we have pioneered and developed an incredible array of features that offer our customers increased sharpness, lubricity, surface hardness & tool life, minimized tool break-in, tighter tolerances, improved workpiece finishes, decreased spindle wear, and usability with advanced tool holding like shrink fit.

Our reward is customer satisfaction via increasing their factory productivity. Click on each for detailed information:

SmoothGrind Slide
SmoothCoat Slide
SmoothEdge Slide
SmoothContricity Slide

Technology Image

A vast investment in diamond wheel packs and automated wheel changers in our grinding equipment give our products consistency in characteristics and performance from order to order.

Quote Block Append

Tungsten ToolWorks is a manufacturer of customized (special) solid carbide cutting tools, sold worldwide under the Tungsten ToolWorks brand name. Products include solid carbide end mills, drills, reamers, burrs, micro tools, sub-miniature tools, micro tools, engraving tools, boring tools, keyseat cutters, burrs, slitting saws, carbide cylinders, countersinks, routers, radius mills, CBN tools, compression tools, and more. Technologies include SmoothCoat PVD hard coatings, SmoothGrind polished cutting edges, SmoothEdge prep and hone, and SmoothContricity shrink fit ready shanks. Coatings include D2 CVD diamond, D1 PVD amorphous diamond, TA TiAlN, AT AlTiN, TN TiN, TC TiCN, and A1 TiB2. Industries using our products include aerospace, semiconductor, die & mold, micro (nano) machining, woodworking, medical, consumer electronics, automotive and more. Workpiece materials to be drilled, milled, reamed, routed, engraved and more include titanium (6Al-4V, 5553), stainless (303, 304, 316, 410, 420, 440C, 15-5, 17-4, 13-8, 316L), tool steels (A2, D2, H13), general steels (1018, 1020, 4140, 4340, P20), Inconel (625, 718), cast iron, non-ferrous materials including aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, wood & plastics, CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastic), graphite, composites, fiberglass, and more. Tungsten ToolWorks is a Tool Alliance company.